Gav and Em's life as art

A Christian Married couple, one a Police Officer, the other a Secondary School Art Teacher. Of course you want to read it!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Working 9 til 5...

It certainly isn't a way to make a living - as the song says.

I just finished a two week 'course' at Police HQ to complete my probationer training.

Having worked shifts for the last 20 something weeks - what a nightmare working Mon-Fri 9-5 (well we never stayed later than 4) is.

I couldn't go back to civvie life again.

I've missed so much daytime tv, I had to get up the same unearthly hour everyday and commute with everyone else, sitting in traffic jams.

To make it worse the course wasn't even worth going on: it repeated things we'd already taught us and patronised with any new info by presenting it in such a dry way - the tutor even fell asleep twice!

Thankfully I am now enjoying a week off before getting back to the grindstone again of real Police work.

Have enjoyed having weekends again tho and very glad of the opportunity to use them to see friends and family who came to visit us here, or we travelled to them in Leicester or Surrey.

Right it's 13:45 now - should go and get dressed!


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