Gav and Em's life as art

A Christian Married couple, one a Police Officer, the other a Secondary School Art Teacher. Of course you want to read it!

Monday, November 27, 2006

007: Casino Royale

We saw the new Bond film recently!

Loved it!

Bond has matured.
When I was a kid I loved it for the cheesiness of the violence and how he won the girls.

Now Bond is a new millenium man - he picks his battles and takes his time over the ladies (there is in fact one in this film that he doesn't bed!!!! - and that is additional to Dame Judy.

The film starts in a very stylish black and white as we see Bond earn his '00' status with his first two kills - very violently.

Then after the obligatory arty titles sequence the film remembers that it is a Bond film and ticks all the prerequisite boxes:

  • Explosions
  • Chases
  • Aston Martin
  • Villian with unique deformity (but still attracts the ladies)
  • Tuxedo
  • Near death moment
  • Gambling
  • Scene where Q falls out with Bond

This film does lack the gadget scene and Bond does tend to rely in this film on tools that actually exist.

And the plot: well there isn't one - Bond plays cards. But it doesn't need one - it's cool.

What next: Bond washes the Aston Martin?


Blogger rach said...

No gadgets? What would you call the thing that saves his life in that "heart stopping" moment in the middle then? True, its based on gadgets that already exists but its one step beyond surely?

I don't think it's that Bond has matured either - don't forget that this is a remake of one of the earliest Bond films (1967) - maybe its just that Bond has dumbed down recently?

5:06 PM  
Blogger Gavin and Emma Owen said...

The first film to feature James Bond was indeed called Casino Royale and made in 1967.

But it is in fact a pre-emptive parody of the future Bond films - it starts with someone going to a big house full of retired 'James Bonds' - men, women and animals all called James Bond who have since retired - it then calls one of them out of retirement to go on a mission at the Casino Royale.

6:37 PM  

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